Rabu, 8 Mei, 2024

Media Komunikasi Antarkeluarga Pondok Modern

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IKPM Gontor Batam Branch Holds The Second Try Out of Gontor Students’ Candidates



By M. Kurnia Rahman Abadi

Batam — Tutoring for Gontor’s enrollment (BIMAGO) of Pondok Modern Family Association (IKPM) Gontor Batam Branch held the second try out for prospective students from Batam City at Muhammadiyah Plus School, Batam (13/2/2021).

The program starts at 07.00 WIB with an oral exam then a written test and ends at 11.45 WIB.

This activity aims to prepare prospective students to face the Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Institution’s enrollment exam on the academic year 1443-1444 H.

Before the tryout, the trainees were guided and taught several subjects by tutors appointed by the IKPM Gontor Batam Branch management which were spread across several zones, namely Sagulung, Batu Aji, and Tiban Batam Center, Nongsa and Bengkong.

The second try out activity was attended by 94 male and female student candidates and tested by 18 alumni of Pondok Modern Gontor.

With this tryout, it is hoped that prospective students will be truly ready to face the Gontor entrance exams and can pass all of them to become students.

IKPM Gontor Batam Branch hopes that Batam people will be more busy studying at Islamic boarding schools, especially Gontor.

Hopefully, with the guidance in each zone of Batam city, it will make it easier for prospective students for guidance, and it will become a comprehensive Gontor da’wah way in Batam city.


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